Chocolate Bar Packaging

Brand and packaging design for a fictional chocolate company. Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Objective: Design and develop the following: company name, logo, brand typefaces, primary colors, brand assets (illustrated graphics, patterns, etc.), 3 chocolate bar flavors, and 3 cohesive, unique chocolate bar dielines. Pull inspiration from assigned artist, Zaha Hadid.
Response: Throughout the creation process of my fictional chocolate company, Bliss, I was able to find inspiration from a variety of sources, including from my assigned artist, Zaha Hadid. Zaha Hadid British-Iraqi architect known for her elaborate and dynamic deconstructivism. Her work is inspiring in such a way where it appears to break apart the simplicity of an architectural piece and reconstruct it in marvelous and extraordinary ways. I took great value in examining the stylistic choices of her work and was able to incorporate these concepts into my own artistic interpretation. Her work inspired me to think outside of the box, inspiring not only the company’s visual aesthetic but also the morals and founding values of the company. Visually, I chose to incorporate Hadid’s deconstructivism in the packaging patterns, logo, and more. I also chose to position the franchise in Europe in honor of Hadid’s British heredity. Through my artistic research, I found that Hadid’s techniques inspired me to “think bigger.” I found myself thinking beyond the rigid boundaries of the typical, and as a result, was able to develop an original and one-of-a-kind brand.
Bliss Chocolate Bar
Bliss Dielines
Bliss Logo with Clear Space Guidelines
Bliss Typography
Bliss Colors
Bliss Brand Assets